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  • Neogene Biotechnology attended the second meeting of the first academic committee of Zhejiang Key Laboratory for Drug Control Technology
Neogene Biotechnology attended the second meeting of the first academic committee of Zhejiang Key Laboratory for Drug Control Technology


On the afternoon of December 11, the second meeting of the first academic committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Drug Control Technology Research was held at Zhejiang Police College. The key laboratory reported to the academic committee about its work during the responsibility period. The experts of the academic committee discussed laboratory construction, research results, open topics, and further development plans, and formed relevant resolutions. Duan Shumin, director of the Academic Committee, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and director of the Department of Medicine of Zhejiang University, and Wang Youmei , deputy director of the Academic Committee and deputy director of the National Drug Control Office, attended the meeting. Huang Xingrui, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Police Academy, and Yu Lifen, deputy dean, respectively spoke. Dr. Zhu Xiaojin, General Manager of Zhejiang Neogene Biotechnology Co., Ltd. attended the meeting as a representative of the co-construction unit of the key laboratory.

meeting venue

Group photo of the guests

Before the meeting, Jiang Zhenming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Police Academy, met with Academician Duan Shumin, Academician
